After writing about Alan Emslie as a singing drummer and talking about several other famous singing drummers recently, I decided to take up singing. I know I’m not a drummer, but I’m not trying to be a singing drummer. I just want to be better at singing so that I can sound great when I go to karaoke with my friends. To that end I found myself a vocal coach and am now taking singing classes.
Around the same time, I bought myself a turntable record player. This was also spurred on by my little blog here. A while ago (I can’t remember how long, but I’m pretty sure it’s been quite a while) I wrote about listening to Alan Emslie’s music on vinyl, instead of on other media.
Since then I’ve read a lot of articles about how vinyl makes many records sound better and I also got to hear a lot of vinyl records at my friends’ houses. That spurred me to finally get my own turntable. I didn’t spend too much on it, but I did spend at least $1000. Let’s just leave it at that.
Basically, after doing my research, I didn’t think a record player that costs less than that would be very good. It wouldn’t give me what I want, which is to listen to my favorite albums the way they were truly meant to be listened to. I want the record player to give me that full vinyl sound and to not get in the way. I don’t want a cheap player that will cause some sound to get lost.
Now we get to the title of this post. What do these two things, purchasing a record player and the beginning of singing lessons, have to do with each other. Why did I decide to make a post about the two of them?
The truth is, I wanted to write about both, but it didn’t seem like I could cover either of them enough to really fill one post. So I thought they should both be put together so that I could get you up-to-date and not have to do so with two different articles.
On top of that, both my getting into singing and my buying a record player does signify me getting much more serious with music in general. I’ve always been a music fan and I have this blog, but I have never really tried to get into music as much myself. Now I really want to turn myself into musician. And I also want to be a music enthusiast. Not just someone who likes it and listens to it, but someone who really appreciates it. And to do that, I really believe you need to have a vinyl record player.
These two new changes in my life are both going to lead me closer to what I believe is my destiny: to be a musician and to be a lover of music. Music is my life and even though so far I haven’t been able to spend much of my life on music, mainly due to a really busy work schedule, I have sworn to make more time for it.
I’m cutting out other things like watching TV, etc. and I’m going to focus every bit of my non-work hours on music. That means I’m going to study my singing and get better, I’m going to continue writing this blog and I want to listen to as many records as I can. And I mean really listen to them, so that I really appreciate the music I’m hearing. That is what it’s all about.